Felix Schläpfer

Economic Research


My goal is to make useful conceptual and empirical contributions to a fuller understanding and more comprehensive statistics of the economy, especially in the domain of natural resource values, natural resource income and external costs - for academics, policymakers, NGOs, media and the public.

Current Work

I am interested in how legal frameworks are driving natural resource use and environmental and economic outcomes, including distributional outcomes. A main current focus is on concepts and empirical methods to organize and analyze natural and environmental capital stocks and income from natural and environmental capital in Switzerland.


Independence is important to me. I choose my topis freely. Above all, I feel responsible towards the people, in my country and elsewhere.


I am always interested in collaboration with other researchers working on related topics. Please contact me.

CV and Publications

CV / ResearchGate / Google Scholar / X


Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences (affiliation until 31 Dec. 2024)

Vollkosten.ch (resources for a polluter-pays economy)

Naturkapital.ch (analysis of resource rents in Switzerland; in German)



Felix Schläpfer, Dr. sc. nat., habil. oec.

FS Economic Research

Kurlistr. 40

8404 Winterthur

E-Mail: felixschlaepfer (at) economicresearch.ch

Last updated: 13 March 2025

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